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Rwanda, 1lb

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  • Regular price $18.99


A juicy cup with notes of rhubarb, lime and red apple


"Within A thousand hills” aka Rwanda, which received this name because most of the land is mountainous.  Coffee production began in 1904 and has developed as the main source of income for farmers. Today, approximately 400,000 coffee producers operate small farms. The COOPAC cooperative began in 2001 and is located on the mountain slopes in western Rwanda, above Lake Kivu. The cooperative started out with 110 members and has grown to 2,200 members from six areas within the country. The cooperative has three environmentally friendly washing stations that filter off waste by-products from  coffee processing for use as fertilizer instead of emptying this waste into three nearby rivers and lakes.

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Coffee being an agricultural crop means all of our Single Origins aren’t available all of the time. If you select one for a subscription, we may need to contact you from time to time with substitution recommendations as the origins come in and out of season. It’s an exciting way to enjoy your coffee and don’t worry we only offer coffees that we are proud to roast!