February, Aquarius and Coffee!
We all know February is the shortest month of the year, but it is also full of fun and excitement! A month of snow and winter activities here in the Northeast, the Super Bowl for us sport enthusiasts, and a time to celebrate LOVE! As we uncover this new page of our calendar, we see the urgency of making plans early! So much happening, so fast! First, we wait impatiently for the groundhog's shadow on the 2nd, as we surely hope for an early Spring. Then, we begin to plan our Super Bowl party, even if this year will be a little different. When shopping, the Valentine's Day goodies will make our carts more colorful and fragrant! For the snow lovers, February offers many fun outdoor activities. For me, watching exciting hockey games and reading dreamy novels on cold winter nights, is what I look forward to the most. This month, is also for you Aquarians out there celebrating your birthday! Knowing how curious, unique, and creative you are, I know you would love a fun and special brew. May I suggest our Mexico, Sumatra and perhaps Sidamo? Their special qualities could pair very well with yours! And for you tea lovers, you might enjoy our delicious Citrus Green during the day for some needed energy, and Chamomile Citrus before bed for a calm and restful night.
Happy Birthday! Happy February everyone!