How Can We Love Mondays?
Monday is a regular day, one of the seven days of the week , so why is it regarded as the most difficult day? The day that we dread and dislike to put it mildly sometimes. The day that seems to appear so quickly and out of nowhere. It sneaks up on us like a bad case of poison ivy while on vacation. Poor Monday! It did not do anything special to deserve this awful reputation or treatment! I will try and help it a little. It is instead of the end of a weekend, the beautiful beginning of a new week. The first page of a new adventure, a blank canvas for a new artwork. It is a perfect day to start a new diet, a new exercise program, a new project. It is a day of all new beginnings. I think of Monday as the first page of a highly recommended new book. It is new and fresh! Okay, I know.... I will stop now. It is Monday and all we really all want is a good cup of coffee! I tried! Ha-Ha!