How Our Lives Changed
As I was driving the other day, I was thinking about how this year changed everything for all of us. How we behave, think, eat , drink, breathe , travel etc. How we had to stop on a dime and were thrown in a whirlwind so unfamiliar and frightening to us. For the first time ever I believe, the whole world is tied into the same nightmare. No where to go to escape, except our own minds. By doing so, it enabled us to experience different precious moments. Family time became a whole day event. Family dinner all together is now really a special treat. Reaching out to maybe forgotten relatives, that our normal busy lives did not allow us the time to do so. We started to talk and reflect on what was really important in our lives . We were forced to change daily habits and create new ones, possibly better ones. Our urge to explore nature is now stronger and more gratifying than ever. We are all in this together and when it comes to sharing a meal or a great cup of coffee with someone, it has a whole different meaning now. It is more rewarding somehow. Let’s not wait for things to change back but appreciate and live our experiences even more passionately than before.