International Organic Trade Market:
International Organic Trade Market:
The U.S. is the largest organic market in the world, with more than half of all the consumer sales for organic products globally. Over 179 countries around the world have organic activities with 2.4 million organic producers worldwide. As far as import goes, the U.S. imports from at least 111 different countries. Mexico is the largest supplier of organic products to the U.S. with a little more than half of all North and South America. Other countries in Africa, Indonesia and the Middle East continue to grow in importance. Most imported organic products are coffee, soybeans, bananas, olive oil and corn. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has led the industry in tracking of international data. One of its missions is to bring the U.S. organic industry to developing markets around the world. They create new opportunities for organic products through international promotions, education, business to business connections and trade negotiations.