Loving Coffee And Tea?
We often hear about the avid coffee lover but, can this same finicky individual also love tea? This question could have been a while back considered to be an oxymoron. But because more and more holistic reliefs from a multitude of minor ailments include the consumption of a variety of great tasting teas, even coffee connoisseurs have made them part of their diet. Of course, a good cup of tea is truly magnificent without its health benefits. You can ask the true Englishmen and women and they will even tell you that it is the best beverage there is! More and more coffee shops are serving the best teas you can find on the market. Wether you prefer the complex mix of flavors in a good chai tea or the purity and antioxidants of a green tea like matcha, you can now find in most cafés a wide variety of delicious tea drinks. I for instance, have a deep love affair with my favorite chai latte. In the coming weeks, we will be discussing the origins, flavors and health benefits of this marvelous brew. We may also recommend trying a mix of different leaves to add another layer of goodness to your cup.