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The Many Faces of a Sunday Morning Coffee!

The Many Faces of a Sunday Morning Coffee!

As a child,the first aroma enveloping my bedroom when I woke up on Sunday morning, was of my father's coffee brewing in the kitchen. Having no idea what that meant to him, I recall easily what it meant for me. It is a memory that comes back often when I savor my own delicious brew. Sunday was family day in those days. Stores were closed, and almost everyone was home. It was church and then family breakfast. It was visiting grandma and grandpa,while spending time with aunts,uncles and of course cousins. Again, coffee was brewing on the stove for the company, sharing funny stories and great food. As I became a teenager, that great smell on Sunday, meant I could sleep later that morning. It was a great feeling, knowing that after a late breakfast , I would be able to enjoy a day of rest and fun with close friends. As I became a young adult with a toddler and a baby, I was making my own cup. This time, the aroma wasn't what I was treasuring, but mostly it was the right dose of caffeine to keep up with children, with endless energy.  As the children grew up, Sunday morning was my favorite time. It was my time alone, my time to collect my thoughts , while sipping a delicious coffee. It was my couple of hours, to myself , giving me time to recharge the overworked batteries needed,to try and be the best parent I could be.

Now, that I have my Sundays mostly to myself, I truly enjoy my morning cup of deliciousness while reading the paper and doing what I do best, and that is think of people around the world and how they live.How do they enjoy their Sunday morning? I can picture the Parisian, sitting at an outdoor café, sipping her café au lait and eating a buttery croissant. The man of a certain age, in a small town in Sicily, enjoying his cappuccino before his bocce game with friends.The couple in Costa Rica, taking a walk, coffee in hand, on the beach watching the beautiful sunrise. I truly can say now, that I know for sure, what that Sunday cup meant to my father, as I feel the circle of life finally gave me, the long awaited answer to the true meaning of the Sunday morning coffee, and all its different cycles.

What is Sunday morning coffee to you? 

1 comment

  • Steve

    A lovely post. Funny how it aligns with my associations of coffee and family. My first experiences were with mom and Sunday’s late breakfast, too. Never much for drinking milk (except with cake or pie), as I got older, I often drank coffee with lunch or dinner, as an alternative to plain water. In my adult life, depending on the time of day and the day of the week, coffee serves as a medium for relaxation, motivation to start the day or for concentration on something requiring great attention. No matter what, it’s one of my constant companions. Thanks to you all for making that such a pleasing and tasty experience.

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