Memory Triggers : The Power of Aromas
What is a better memory trigger, photographs or aromas? When it comes to remembering an event, a photograph brings you back to the place you once were, no doubt about it. But for me, the aroma of certain locations is even more powerful. Have you been transported back in time immediately while browsing in a book store, or smelling crayons in a classroom? How when shopping for a Christmas tree or fresh wreath, you find yourself eight years old again in your old living room, waiting anxiously for the twinkling lights to finally appear? When walking on the street and someone passing by is wearing a particular perfume that reminds you of a certain person? How a specific aroma coming out of a café instantly recreates that special moment when you first met the love of your life? Yes, pictures are forever referred to as being worth a thousand words, but we should never underestimate the power of aromas as they can suddenly appear out of nowhere, and offer you the amazing opportunity to relive those experiences all over again. Enjoy those wonderful holiday smells and let them transport you back in time!