What Are Your Weekend Plans?
In the Northeast, specifically on Long Island, this coming weekend will be spectacular! With the weather being partly sunny, and temperatures in the mid-seventies, outdoors is most likely where most of us will be. Whether it will be a last weekend on the beach, or cleaning up our yards, apple picking or fall shopping and/or decorating, we will be soaking up some sun and enjoying a gentle breeze. For a fun family outing, a trip to the East End, visiting our abundant farmers' markets, will provide us with fresh produce and baked pies, to help serve delicious meals for the coming week. Open windows, at home and in the car, brings us that clean air we so desperately long for this time of year. We are all loving this last season of sun and not so cold weather, as well as the last fresh local produce, before winter knocks at our door. We may be wanting to satisfy our last yearning for iced coffees and iced lattes, or just might even already need that hot brew for our outdoor activities. Oh, and let us not forget the delightful aroma and flavor of Pumpkin Spice, that is now just peeking its nose, for a fairly limited time. Ahhh... the beginning of the fall season, so much to enjoy! The scents most of us love, the food we cannot get enough of, the weather, the ombré adorning the newly colored foliage, and our favorite flavors of coffee. Wishing you all a great first, fall weekend!