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5 Steps To French Press Success In Your Restaurant
1. Know How Much Coffee You Sell Print your coffee sales by day from last week and increase by 25%. This is what our clients typically report back as an average increase from switching service to Tend Coffee. We will use this number on step 4. 2. Hot Water Make sure you power on your hot water source so it is ready for service. This takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes depending on your machine. Whatever water dispensing system you use, the water should taste good on its own and be in the range of 208 degrees. Consistent temperatures give you...
4 Benefits of French Press Coffee Service
1. Sensory Impact It’s difficult not to be impressed by well executed French press coffee service. The visual is stunning, the aromas are pronounced, the flavor is rich and the tactile is intimate. 2. Value Creation/Satisfaction Value is created because all of the above happen before it’s even tasted. It’s presented as something special because it is. 3. Redundancy The fact that you only need press pots, properly ground coffee and hot water removes a lot of potential problems with traditional coffee service. If your hot water supply goes down, hot water can easily be found in the kitchen with...
Beat Amazon by Doing 3 Things
Amazon’s strengths are distribution and convenience. Distribution is expensive. In order to combat this they take in very large shipments and warehouse them for fulfillment. This is where you come in. 1. They are Bigger, You are Fresher If you are a smaller operation of 1-4 units you don’t want that much inventory tying up your cash flow anyway. Find suppliers that are willing to work with you to keep your inventory low and fresh. Our love of specialty food stores was instrumental in our no-minimum coffee ordering policy. Generally it makes sense to order at least 1 full case...
3 Easy Ways To Wow Your Guests With Coffee Service at your Restaurant
Hi all, I hope this article finds you well. I want to let you know the crew at Tend Coffee will be releasing some helpful articles all related to coffee. They will all be archived on our new blog for easy access. Brew Happy! 1. Focus on Your Guest Coffee is either the 1st or last thing your guest will have at your establishment. It sets the tone. Whether you feel coffee goes best with whole milk or not is irrelevant. They will like there coffee prepared a certain way and it’s their way. Offering dairy alternatives like almond milk,...
Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee
Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee Iced coffee when done well is amazing. We use what is now referred to as Japanese Style iced coffee. Even though we were doing it way before we were aware of the tag, the name does help differentiate the process more than just calling it iced coffee. Similar to a Chef putting steamed green beans in an ice bath immediately after cooking; in this method coffee is brewed at double strength over its own weight in ice. This stops the brewing process cold…pun intended. The benefit of this method is it retains all the flavor...