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Fresh Roasted Ideas RSS

Whether you are celebrating with a Passover or Easter dinner this weekend, great coffee is always appreciated. If you are lucky enough to be with family and hosting any of these meals, you might be wondering which coffee to serve. If unsure of your guests preferences, perhaps you can offer them a few options. Most guests would be satisfied with a rich medium or dark roast( Nicaragua, Pull or Special Prep among others) poured from your favorite coffee pot, but adding a few more options could make it a little more interesting. Using a French Press or an aeropress, could...

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When April comes around, we are certainly ready to welcome it with open arms . We can feel and hear nature come to life. Needless to say, we love waking to every tweet and witness the long awaited eruption of sprouts. The beauty of it all, is the rebirth of nature and how it coincides with our own. The thought of eating better, exercising and enjoying a more active lifestyle, is very exciting. The sun and its warmth, nourishes our souls and gardens. It is time to prepare our body and mind for the vibrant season ahead. Taking the time...

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Growing Your Own Organic Favorites in Pots:  You might not have much room for a large garden, but if you can fit a few pots on your patio, you might enjoy creating your own little healthy and tasty herb garden. All you need is good organic soil, and healthy herbs and/or tomatoes as well as peppers or any other vegetables that will grow in pots. With proper draining and watering as well as the right amount of sun, you will be able to savor the tastiest and freshest produce. If you have the space for a larger garden, you can...

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How to Avoid Temptations While Shopping: Because the supermarkets are set up a certain way, it is pretty easy to avoid many temptations. If you ever noticed the planogram of these establishments, you might have seen that all around the perimeters, is where you find the healthy choices. If only walking around the store, staying away from most aisles, you find the healthiest foods. From the front of the store, to the sides and the back you will find the produce, fish, meats, cheeses and dairy.  Preparing your meals on the weekend for the week ahead, is also a great...

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Start Reading Labels: Eating well starts with reading labels when food shopping. By paying attention to what our food is made with, we start caring about how we treat our body. The  stranger the ingredients are on a label, the more processed it is. Remember that, if you were baking or cooking these foods at home, most of these unpronounceable words would not be added. Preservatives and added corn syrups and sugars, are often sneaked in under a wide variety of names. They can cause addiction, obesity and diabetes in some people. Healthier choices are free of these additives, and...

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